
Our Sales Policy revolves around the principle of focusing our sales efforts on few brands per Sales Representative with a view to get higher sales hits. Despite the higher cost, this approach has enabled Nectar to build a strong and focused sales network across Malta and Gozo, serving over 3,000 clients including all leading supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, bars, groceries, canteens and cinemas amongst other outlets.

Sales Force Structure

Nectar’s Sales force is made up of six teams, each focusing on a set of brands and customer groups. These are the Retail Dry Foods, Retail Chilled & Frozen Foods, Food Service, Ice Cream Van Sales, Wrigley Confectionery and TPM divisions. Every team boasts of very well trained sales representatives, merchandisers, key account executives and business development executives. Members are led by a sales manager who in turn reports to the head of sales.

Retail Dry Division and Retail Chilled & Frozen Division

Are two separate teams specifically apt at servicing retail clients. From key accounts, such as supermarkets, to convenience shops and small village-core grocers. The divisions’ strength lies in the versatility of their members. Team players are particularly able to tailor service to clients of all shapes and sizes.

Food Service Division

Serving an ever increasing number of customers, the Food Service Division manages brands suitable for hotels, restaurants and catering establishments. Their frequent outlet visits guarantee adequate stocks are supplied on time. This division’s vast portfolio includes fresh local and imported fish, frozen, chilled and dry goods.

Wrigley Confectionery & Impulse Sales Division

A team able to cement the market dominance their brands retain. Namely Wrigley’s confectionery portfolio by MARS Incorporated. Sales reps and merchandisers within this division are masters in making the most out of the limited and usually crammed spaces impulse foodstuffs occupy.

T.P.M. Division

Heavy artillery. TPM is composed of some of the most prolific players within Nectar’s sales team. The division oversees a portfolio of top-grossing brands. From local favourites such as Magro Brothers’ Mayor and Three Hills, to equally popular imported brands. Team members are entasked with retaining market leadership.

Sales Tools

Sales Representatives in each division visit customers on a regular basis depending on the potential and size of the customer. In the case of Key Accounts, more frequent visits are scheduled.

Throughout the years, Nectar developed and pioneered a customised CRM system, the NectarActive™ Market Navigator™, as a unique tool for the Sales Force. This system, tailored to maximize service and efficiency towards the customer, houses a digital product catalogue and empowers the Sales Representatives with instant up-to-date information on every customer. In addition, this CRM system instantly sends and processes orders via 3G technology hence enabling shorter processing times and up-to-date Business Intelligence – to the benefit of its clients.

Exceptional Service

To retain the level of service, Nectar maintain a costly higher service employee to customer ratios. Sales people are also exposed to regular service training and motivated with employee performance and rewards schemes.